Meet Cell Protect 2.0

Meet Cell Protect 2.0

Everything we do here at myBrainCo. is underpinned by our mission of wanting to help people achieve their full potential through a happier and healthier brain. With that in mind and with Cell Protect running out of stock, we were presented with an opportunity – could we double down and come up with a new and improved Cell Protect that could deliver more robustly on our mission? We might be biased, but we feel we’ve risen to the challenge!

Our original Cell Protect formula was primarily focused on supporting detoxification pathways. Supporting Phase I and Phase II liver detoxification pathways through selected amino acids, minerals and a number of glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) enhancing nutrients. Whilst this does help alleviate some burden that is placed onto the neurological system, to have a more direct and meaningful impact on the nerves and brain, we wanted the best brain-enhancing antioxidants that could still deliver detoxification support whilst also downregulating neuroinflammation, supporting mitochondria (energy) and neurogenesis whilst also having a proven ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. As we started to sift through the evidence for natural compounds capable of these things, we discovered there were seven stand-out herbs and nutrients that could meet or exceed what we were looking for; curcumin, astaxanthin, quercetin, resveratrol, brassica, zinc and selenium.

Free Radical Defence

Superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH) and catalase (CAT) make up an important internal defence network of endogenous antioxidants. They can be described as crucial ‘first-line’ defenders, acting to suppress or prevent the formation of damaging free radicals.[1]

Several nutrients and herbs in the new and improved Cell Protect are capable of supporting and inducing these important enzymes, with some even naturally containing them. Specifically, brassica, zinc, astaxanthin, selenium and quercetin have evidence for their ability to facilitate SOD, GSH and CAT.

Green leafy vegetables, including those in the brassica family of vegetables, naturally contain CAT, SOD and GSH.[2] In fact, studies have shown that the compounds from cruciferous vegetables, such as sulforaphane, can induce a number of endogenous enzymes, including glutathione and its related enzymes.[3] In addition, brassica vegetables also contain other important antioxidant nutrients like vitamin C, E and carotenoids in their constituent profile.[2]

One of zinc’s many 300+ functions includes being an important component of a particular form of SOD called zinc-copper SOD, also known as SOD1. Research suggests that SOD1 deficiency may be implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neuron disease.[4] Selenium is another important mineral that is a cofactor for glutathione peroxidase.[5]

Quercetin and astaxanthin have robust evidence for their antioxidant properties. Quercetin is known to improve the activity of SOD and CAT and thus prevent depletion of GSH.[6] However, animal and cell studies have shown that quercetin may also induce GSH (not just SOD and CAT). An overall increase in expression of SOD, CAT and GSH has been reported with quercetin use.[7] Astaxanthin is believed to exert its protective effect on neurodegeneration and age-related cognitive decline through its ability to promote the activity of SOD and CAT.[8]

By focusing on antioxidants that support the body’s SOD, GSH and CAT enzyme antioxidant systems, Cell Protect offers important protective benefits throughout the body, but in particular for the neurological system.

Decreasing Inflammatory Burden

Inflammation can take many forms and isn’t always the obvious acute signs we might think of, such as redness, swelling and irritation.

Inflammation, when it’s on a more systemic level, can manifest in different ways for different people ranging from obvious signs like joint or gut pain to more subtle signs like chronic allergies, weight gain, mood swings or sleep disturbance. Symptoms can give us clues that inflammatory pathways are activated, but what may be needed is a broad spectrum approach to bring them back into balance.

Herbal medicines and nutrients can really shine when it comes to addressing inflammation as they rarely operate in singular modes of action but can have a broad effect thanks to their constituent profiles. Many nutrients and herbs can function as natural anti-inflammatory agents either by promoting the production of key anti-inflammatory compounds (cytokines) to have a direct soothing action on inflammation, or they can work by inhibiting the production of the proinflammatory compounds to begin with. Sometimes, they can even do both simultaneously or work indirectly to suppress inflammation through other mechanisms, such as improved circulation, boosting endogenous antioxidants or via better control of insulin and blood sugar.

One example of a herb with duality to its action is astaxanthin. Pro-inflammatory mediators such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2), interleukin-6 (IL-6), inducible nitric oxide (iNOS) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1B) have been shown to be able to be inhibited naturally by astaxanthin.[15] Whilst it has also exhibited the capacity to increase the expression of anti-inflammatory mediators, interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interleukin-4.[8]

Not all inflammation is necessarily bad; after all, the inflammatory response has a positive protective mechanism for the body, initiating healing or repair in response to injury or infection. However, there are a few key pro-inflammatory processes that can get out of check when there’s been chronic, low grade or systemic inflammation happening. One, in particular, is the nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB). NFkB is like a volume dial that ‘turns up the overall output inflammatory response, prolonging and perpetuating inflammation, and if unopposed, it contributes to long-term, chronic inflammatory activity. Selenium, curcumin, quercetin, resveratrol and astaxanthin are five substances that are known to help inhibit NFkB, to help downregulate its activity to lower the inflammatory burden of the body.[12,15,21,27]

Research suggests quercetin inhibits the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by inhibiting nitric oxide (NO) production (which in turn inhibits NFkB signals), and it has been shown to have an amplified anti-inflammatory effect when combined with curcumin.[12,25] Curcumin’s tangible anti-inflammatory activity is well documented. However, the precise mechanisms of action are not yet fully understood. It appears to decrease multiple interleukins, as well as TNFa, inhibit NFkB and may also exert regulatory activity against COX2 and lipooxygenase (LOX), which are the same pathways through which many non-steroidal antiinflammatories exert their action.[24,25,26]

Resveratrol has been shown in human studies to decrease inflammatory markers. In a small study on basketball players, it was found that resveratrol decreased IL-6 and TNFa, and in another study, it showed suppression activity on TNFa, IL-6 and C reactive protein (CRP).[28,29] In addition to their innate anti-inflammatory activity, natural compounds like resveratrol can work to decrease inflammatory burden through indirect effects, such as blood sugar control. One study examining resveratrol in combination with quercetin found that the combination could improve memory function and blood glucose control in overweight yet otherwise healthy adults.[14] These multi-modal actions give natural compounds and their unique, complex chemistry the ability to come at inflammation and wellbeing on multiple fronts.

Potent Neurological Antioxidants

The herb and nutrient profile in Cell Protect now features some of nature’s most impressive antioxidants with a proven impact on the neurological system. From down-regulating inflammation, protecting mitochondria and neuronal cells, inhibiting neurodegeneration and stimulating the beneficial brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), Cell Protect now offers a synergistic antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification profile backed by some of the best optimised delivery systems available on the global market.

Advanced Delivery Technology

At myBrainCo. We’ve always been committed to source innovative delivery technologies that enhance the uptake of these potent natural compounds. The reformulated version of Cell Protect combines multiple bio-enhanced ingredients to maximise potency and efficacy.

HydroCurc® is an innovative turmeric extract that solves the well-documented absorbability issues of curcumin. It utilises a patented technology called LipiSperse® to increase the bioavailability of fat-soluble turmeric curcuminoids. LipiSperse® allows the fat-soluble curcuminoids to freely disperse in the aqueous environment of your gastrointestinal tract, making HydroCurc® the most absorbable form of curcumin available on the market.

CPO® Astaxanthin with Aquacelle® technology maximises bioavailability and delivers a therapeutic dose. The enhanced delivery system, combined with Asaxanthin’s natural lipophilic properties, means the Astaxanthin in Cell Protect can cross the blood-brain barrier to exert its effects directly within the central nervous system.

The patented Lipisperse® Quercetin CWD 90 used in Cell Protect has superior bioavailability over standard quercetin preparations. This enhanced bioavailability combines well with quercetin’s ability to cross the blood-brain barrier to maximise its effect on the nervous system.

Veri-Sperse® trans -resveratrol combines enhanced LipiSperse® delivery technology with the high-quality, fermented trans-resveratrol Veri-te™ to deliver almost double the bioavailability of regular resveratrol alone. This high-impact resveratrol helps to maximise effectiveness and combines synergistically with other ingredients, such as quercetin, in Cell Protect to deliver optimal results.

Featuring not one but four separate bio-enhanced ingredients, Cell Protect contains curcumin, astaxanthin, quercetin and resveratrol with the most advanced bioavailability available on the global stage. This blend of herbs and nutrients now offers the same level of detoxification support with the added layer of protective benefits more specifically targeted to the brain and nervous system.







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